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We encourage our majors to engage in a study abroad experience, and close to 60 percent of our majors routinely do so. You can get credit for semester, summer, and year-long programs as well as internship programs abroad. Wake Forest University offers more than 400 study abroad opportunities. The Center for Global Programs and Studies is there to help you find the right program.

As a politics and international affairs major or minor, please keep in mind the following rules when applying to study abroad: credit earned as part of WFU programs will count toward your GPA; grades of C or better earned as part of affiliate programs will count as transfer credit but will not count toward your GPA. For further information, please see the Study Abroad website.

Course Approval for Study Abroad

The following WFU study abroad programs offer POL course and will count towards in-residence (“at Wake Forest”) POL credit:

WFU/Venice: Casa Artom
WFU/Vienna: Flow House
WFU/London: Worrell House
WFU/Chile: Across South America
WFU/Washington DC: Internships

The following WFU study abroad programs offer POL course which will NOT count towards in-residence (“at Wake Forest”) POL credit:

WFU/Barcelona: Business & Global Studies
WFU/Cambridge: INSTEP

How to Apply

Detailed information about application procedures can be found on the Study Abroad website.